Thursday, March 13, 2008

RPC-Socket-Threads-Signal- Distributed Programming

You Learn Good Programming Techniques by Working with Linux/SUN

It may sound funny , but I have observed that good programing skills are developed by working with SUN/Solaris/Linux.

Difficult concepts like

1.0 Inter process communication (IPC)
2.0 Multithreading
3.0 Signal Handling for Process
4.0 Garbage Collection /Memory Leakage
5.0 Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
6.0 Common Object Request Broker Architecture(CORBA, WCF)
7.0 Distributed Programming
8.0 Dynamic Linking
are difficult to master in Windows environment. MSDN has no concept of explaining!!!!!

I have benefited by reading the following materials to really understand how they are implemented and how they work.

1.0 Doglas Comer’s Books- XINU/Networking 2 Volumes
2.0 Richard Stevens Networking
3.0 Sun RPC Tutorials
4.0 Unix Programming

I would suggest any one to look into these before jumping into Windows and .Net.

Jumping Straight into .Net gives you very superficial ideas of these concepts.

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