Saturday, January 08, 2005

Beginning Visual Basic 6 Objects

We are geting started with Beginning Visula Basic 6 Objects- ISBN-1-861001-72-x
We are missing the download code for this book. If any one can send me the code I will appreciate that.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Active X Component Development

To Enable reuse of Component, We want to utlize active X based Component, What is the Best book that we can use. All comments will be appreciated.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Minimal Bookset for Macromedia- MX 2004

I need advice on what is the minimal set of books that I must buy for Macromedia 2004- MX. Also I ned some explanation of various tools and stuff from macromedia. Some may seem funny.

  1. What is purpose of Free-hand as opposed to Fireworks.
  2. Can Macromedia Mx-2004 work on servers that do not have any extention.
  3. What is relationship of Macromedia Mx-2004 and Visual and J2EEE. In short what is the road map for Macomedia in .net Infrastructure.
  4. How to make sure the web site created with Macro media if Browser Independent.
  5. How do I get software reuse principles integrated with Macromedia-MX 2004.
  6. Is XP- SP2 supposed to screw up every thing that Macromedia does.
  7. If I am working on a site- using amcromedia should I get the hell out of simple FTP.
  8. Is Macromedia blog- with out rss feed relevant or I will get swamped with xillions of very useful information; stuff that my circular folder can not handle.
  9. I am geting Xillons of Email; How Do i archive them.

I will be discussing all these in my software Engineering Blog Feel Free to join. I do not Believe in moderating. The ranting and reving are most USEFUL to me.

Software Engineering Blog

Monday, January 03, 2005

Beyond Software Architecture

I just finished reading this book, in the holidays. Informatiove is the word. I recommend any one starting SOHO software business to read this book. Also Note There is anew web site for the Book annd Luke. The bottom line is you can not remove the human and marketing aspect from software development. It is an excellent book- worth reading especially by person who is not exposed to marketing of software. Get work Luke.

Informational Modeling and Relational Database

I am introducing Object Relation Modeling( ORM) as a process bfore UML based modeling can be used in Enterprise based modeling.

The reference that I am using is :

1.0 Information Modeling and Relational Databases- Using ORM with ER and UML- Terry Halpin- ISBN- 1-55860-672-6

In the first few chapters the information modeling seems an extention of semantic Modeling.
The author seems to suggest that we it is simpler to go from ORM based semantic modeling to Relational Entity- Relation Modeoing of Chen. I am not clear at this point hos this is done.
also since the ORm model gets big very quickly how do we control hierarchyy and multi page diagrams. More on this later.

Reuse In Large Scale Software Engineering

I am writing apaper on Reuse in Large Scale Software Engineering. For the time being I am publishing the Mnai Refernces that I am working on.

1.0 Software Reuse- Architecture, Process and Organization fr Business Success- Ivor Jacobson, Martin Griss, Patrik Jonsson- ISBN- 0-20192476-5