Saturday, April 12, 2008

Consulting and Delivering Values

I have found this material to be quite good.
I always watch out for people who can talk and can not deliver. Consultants without implementation experience is useless.

Also look into marketing your skills

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Universal Data Models

I have to design database schema quite a number of time and I simply consider designing from scratch a waste of time.

I have the two particular reference very use ful.

1.o The Database Source book Vol-1- Len Silverston- ISBN 0-471-35348-5

2.0 The Database source Book Vol 2- Len Silverston- ISBN 0-471-38023-7

These books are very good , however each CDROM has asking price of 500 dollars. I do not recommend purchasing the CDROM Auth code.

The material in the Book is very much time saver.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Books That I keep Near my Desk

There are some books that I keep near My desk while working

1.0 Building Applications and Components with, Ted Pattison, dr. Joe Hummel-ISBN- 0-201-73495-8

2.0 Windows Forms Programming in , Chris sells, Justin Gethland- ISBN- 0-321-12519-3

3.0 and Cookbooks from Oreily's.

These core set of books are very helpful as I waste a lot of time wandering through MSDN documentation.

I also found that MSDN documentation becomes slightly useful when I have dynamic help turned on in VS 2005 and 2008.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Microsoft Solutions Framework

I have started my journey involving MSF-3.0 and will post all the discoveries and pitfalls on the way. I will be using Enterprise Architect-7.0 and Vs 2005 for the Journey.

Here is the Url from Microsoft.