We are working with composite smart client application development.
The following blog is a good place to start
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Composite Smart Client Architecture
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Agile Modeling and Business Modeling
I just Picked up the following Books for the Project:
1.0 Agile Modeling - Scott Ambler
2.0 Agile database Tehniques - Scott Ambler.
3.0 Business Modeling with UML- Hans-Errikson et al.
I will discuss at leagth the Merits and summary of Each methods.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Firebird Database
We are working on a project involving .NET as the front end, vb.net in particular and Firebird as the back end. We will post the progress and the difficulties as we go along.
Any suugestions and alternatives will be hightly appreciated.
At present the Firebird will be running on Redhat 8.0 Linux Server.
The Enterprise Architect with Iconix Model will be the Software Engineering Process for the Project.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
UML Framework Repository
I am looking at ways to make UML-2.0 Based repository to work to be effective in Our work.
I also in the process of gathering success stories of the groups that have used pattern frameworks.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Extreme programmng Explained
I am just going throug the book Extreme Progrmmaing Explained. Kent Beck Second edition,
I will post the Summary below.
I am also going throught the book called Extreme Programming Iconix Process.
The Iconix Process in my opinion is most prctical and readily appplicable to our Process at Keen Compuyet solutions. The best part is Iconix Process can be readily applied with Inexpensive Enterprise architect Software Development Toolset.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Test Driven Development
I am reading the IBM Articles that was referred in Marc Clifton's Article in Code Project.
All the Reference for test driven development refers to Java and Elcipse sort of Plaforms. The concept is great and I believe in it. However I would appreciate the same kind of Test driven framework for Visual studio.net.
Can you all suggest some directions and guideline for that.
I will summarize findings. So far I have searched the MSDN archive and reading the articles as they come up.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Extreme Programming
I recently Came across extreme Programming Article in www.codeproject.com
In Particular I like Marc Cliftons short Introduction. Please read his article before you venture into other Books and Material. IIn my opinion Marc Captures the essence of Extreme Programming avery nicely.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Interlake Wimax- Project
Interlake Development Corporation is considering Wimax Project. Please post your thoughts.
Wimax is a technology that provides broadband and land phone and cell phone service using licenced and
unlicenced microwave technology.
for details please lookinto www.wimaxforum.org.
More on this later.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Agile Develpment
Agile Development based on Extreme Programming has proven its value in industrial situation.
Iam just reading the Kent Back book on Extreme Programming.
Scot Ampler's Blog site an excellent source on this subject.
I will post details as we explore this area.
Your Input is highly aprciated.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Enterprise Architect 5.0 Consulting
Keen Computer has signed up with Sparxsystes.au as a consultant and reseller for enterprise architect. We welcome all questions and inquaries for full cycle software Development.
Dean of Terra ETL has Joined Keen computer Solutions. Dean Brings wealth of Knowledge from his GIS and Development Experence. We lookforward to working witth DEAN.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Compiler Run Time Design
I am looing for for Compiler Run time design of Concurrent Systes. such as VHHDL/Verilog.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Tutorial Classes
We are staring a tutorial class every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 6-8 PM for Developers. We hope to Make books NOtes and Lectures available online in this blog.
This Tutorials are open to any one who are interested in Learning Software Engineering.
Local University/college students are most welcome.
The topics are
1.0 CCNA
2.0 Advance Networking
3.0 Redhat Linux
4.0 UML 2.0 and Busines Modeling
5.0 Visio/Access 2003 and Data Modeling
6.0 VB.net
7.0 Delphi 8.0
8.0 .Net Architecture and Technology.
Agile Modeling
I have started using the Agile Modeling. The basic idea is simple that the client is kept at the centre of the Development process.
I plan to summarize in this topic how thw agille modeling being used in business softwaee Development. I will also List the Books and Periodicals that are used for the agile modeling.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Impedance Mismatch
I have observed that a large number of fresh Canadian Graduates have difficulty in adopting the Software Engineering Basics. In particular they have the peoblem in the following ares.
1.0 UML Modeling
2.0 Usage of any Class Librray
3.0 Design Patterns
4.0 Testing Methodology
5.0 System Integration
6.0 Release Control
7.0 Effective Communication.
Im gathering Information as to what can be done about this gap in theory and practice.
The gap I call Impedence mismatch. More on this later.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Guerilla Marketing For Consultant
This Weeek I plan to read this book and will try to implement the recommendations as quickly as possible. I wonder if such material is covered in Formal MBA course.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
How to be a Consultant
My Friend Chris Pehura www.pehura.com has sent me this great piece of advice of how to be aconsultant. I could not agree more with him.
There is definitely a local presence requirement for IT services and consulting. May it be in the same state, or the same area of the city. Trends I've noticed - inclusive rate - no one wants to see the word travel - BPM and BRE are merging, and BRE is very dominant now (not the same as BRE from 20 years ago - very very different) - workflow automation (press a button, everything is done) - outsourcing to rural areas or other countries - TDQ and SQA are staying here at home, and IT market seems to be shifting to that - BA and Architect jobs are staying here - Project manager roles are provided by client employees, not consultants - seeing the word stategic used quite a bit Curious about your elevator pitch. Mine is very consultant oriented - "Realigning your workflows and leveraging your software assets to meet your changing needs of business. Reduced costs for IT products by 1.2 million. Delivered IT solutions that brought in 3 million. Leg work for a consulting firm brought in 1.4 million. And attracted a partner for a company with access to a 1 million dollar market. I pull this off using my diverse background in marketing, software development and business analysis with management." Found that numbers work very well when leaving them either in voice mails or emails. One investor I talked to Thursday said that a lot of his people want to see micro-steps of how they will get an ROI for services provided to them. Case studies focusing on very specific events may be useful. 1/2 page to a page at most. Situation - the problem Action - what was done to address the problem Result - what happened after the problem was minimized/solved For me, I talk to as many people a day as I can. And keep following up with them. Found that three times is usually enough. I phone them, then email them, wait 4-7 days and do it again. Do that three times for each contact. Usually get at least 4 people with very privileged information. I get about 10 phone interviews a week (they don't know I'm local.) And 4 face to face. And for the Canadian stereotype, the further south you go, the more it becomes an issue. Found no such problem in the northern border states. Though there is always that one jackass that needs to take a shot at you in some way. Found you're a target when you have an accent that is "unamerican". No matter where you go here. Look up some stuff www.topechelon.com www.recruitersonline.com 100 guerrilla marketing tactics Investors in tech Canadian consulates world wide www.wit.org They should lead you to other stuff. The main problem I had when I was in Winnipeg what the local presence I needed to establish in other areas. To do this, I focused on consultants and companies that could use me as a sole provider for services they had no expertise for. But this is no substitute for being local to the people who'll be your customers. One guy told me to pick a city, live there for two months and network like crazy. Hope these help.
Data Modeling
I just Picked up the flloowing Data Modeling Book for Our Current Projects
1.0 The Data Model Resource Book- Volume 1 and 2.
2.0 The Agile Data base Techniques.
As I go ove the books I will present my Thoughts and findings.
Reverse Enginneering Undocumented Systems
I am looing for Information Regarding Reverse Engineering Undocumented Database projects.
Any annd All pointers will be appreciated. I will summerize the findings.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Enterprise Architect 4.51
Keen Computer Solutions has established relation with Sparx Systems of Autralia to act as the Reselelr and consultant for Enterprise Architect. The Enterprise Architect allows software designer to model system architecture using UML 2.0 modeling language.
Please contact me if you need information, traning, consultation and traninbg related to Enterprise Architect.
Friday, January 21, 2005
Ditributed .NET Programming in C#
I just Picked up the Book , Distributed .net Programming in C#. I will post my Shortly.
ISBN -1-59059-039-2
Expert Service Oriented AArchitecture in C#
I just Picked up thi book and started readinng the Material- ISBN 1-59059-390-1.
I will post my view after I have finished reading the book.
Monday, January 17, 2005
Professional C# Development
I just got stared with this Wrox Book- Isbn- 1-86100704-3. Yes It is the second edition.
The software .net and the books are coming out so fast, It is diffucult to upgarade at a drop of hat. Especially since the market condition is not all that great. The basic concepts should be ok in the second edition. More on this later.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Component Based Development with Visual C#
I am reading this book of Ted Faison- What a great book. I like it.
The best part I like is that Ted bridges that gap that exists between theory and practice.
I wish there are more books like that. Great work.
The thing I like best is indexing and referene. If I need to dig deep I can always look at the refence. The bigger question is how do I identify books of similar deapth and breadth from other publisher such as Apress and Wrox in other subjects. I will appreciate any ideas that you may have.
Excellent Work.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Software Engineering Blogs
I am plannigng to include all the Software Engineering Blogs and Websites that are relevant to to programmers and Software designers. I will rellay appreciate if you can bring to my notice blogs and webs of noteworthy nature.
1.0 Silicon Vally Blog http://weblog.siliconvalley.com/column/dangillmor/
Enterprise Architect
Keen Computer Solutions is a reseller and Consultant for Enterprise Architect. I need your input to compare and contrast rational Rose XDE and Enterprise Architect 4.5.
Life-Cycle Software DesignObject-oriented development is much more than developing a class model - it now embraces the full lifecycle of system development - business process analysis, use case requirements, dynamic models, component and deployment, system management, non-functional requirements, user interface design, testing, maintenance etc.
Feature Rich System DesignEnterprise Architect is a comprehensive UML analysis and design tool, covering software development from requirements gathering, thru the analysis stages, design models, testing and maintenance. EA is a multi-user,Windows based, graphical tool designed to help you build robust and maintainable software. It features flexible and high quality documentation output. The user manual is available online.
The Unified Modelling Language provides significant benefits in helping to build rigorous, traceable models of software systems in a consistent manner. Enterprise Architect supports this process in an easy to use, fast and flexible environment. For a quick look at UML modelling in Enterprise Architect see our UML tutorials and white papers.
Symbolics Bar Code scanner and Active X Library
I am doing some research in Symbolics Bar code Scanner and Active- X Librray.
All Pointers will be appreciated.
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Beginning Visual Basic 6 Objects
We are geting started with Beginning Visula Basic 6 Objects- ISBN-1-861001-72-x
We are missing the download code for this book. If any one can send me the code I will appreciate that.
Friday, January 07, 2005
Active X Component Development
To Enable reuse of Component, We want to utlize active X based Component, What is the Best book that we can use. All comments will be appreciated.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Minimal Bookset for Macromedia- MX 2004
I need advice on what is the minimal set of books that I must buy for Macromedia 2004- MX. Also I ned some explanation of various tools and stuff from macromedia. Some may seem funny.
- What is purpose of Free-hand as opposed to Fireworks.
- Can Macromedia Mx-2004 work on servers that do not have any extention.
- What is relationship of Macromedia Mx-2004 and Visual Studio.net and J2EEE. In short what is the road map for Macomedia in .net Infrastructure.
- How to make sure the web site created with Macro media if Browser Independent.
- How do I get software reuse principles integrated with Macromedia-MX 2004.
- Is XP- SP2 supposed to screw up every thing that Macromedia does.
- If I am working on a site- using amcromedia should I get the hell out of simple FTP.
- Is Macromedia blog- with out rss feed relevant or I will get swamped with xillions of very useful information; stuff that my circular folder can not handle.
- I am geting Xillons of Email; How Do i archive them.
I will be discussing all these in my software Engineering Blog Feel Free to join. I do not Believe in moderating. The ranting and reving are most USEFUL to me.
Monday, January 03, 2005
Beyond Software Architecture
I just finished reading this book, in the holidays. Informatiove is the word. I recommend any one starting SOHO software business to read this book. Also Note There is anew web site for the Book annd Luke. The bottom line is you can not remove the human and marketing aspect from software development. It is an excellent book- worth reading especially by person who is not exposed to marketing of software. Get work Luke.
Informational Modeling and Relational Database
I am introducing Object Relation Modeling( ORM) as a process bfore UML based modeling can be used in Enterprise based modeling.
The reference that I am using is :
1.0 Information Modeling and Relational Databases- Using ORM with ER and UML- Terry Halpin- ISBN- 1-55860-672-6
In the first few chapters the information modeling seems an extention of semantic Modeling.
The author seems to suggest that we it is simpler to go from ORM based semantic modeling to Relational Entity- Relation Modeoing of Chen. I am not clear at this point hos this is done.
also since the ORm model gets big very quickly how do we control hierarchyy and multi page diagrams. More on this later.
Reuse In Large Scale Software Engineering
I am writing apaper on Reuse in Large Scale Software Engineering. For the time being I am publishing the Mnai Refernces that I am working on.
1.0 Software Reuse- Architecture, Process and Organization fr Business Success- Ivor Jacobson, Martin Griss, Patrik Jonsson- ISBN- 0-20192476-5